Friday, July 27, 2012

I am often asked to share my drawings in my sketch books:

I have created many sketch books over the years, and I try to make it a habit to sketch everyday. I use them to record what I see in nature when I am painting outside, in my studio, a life drawing class, visiting a museum or exhibition, or just writing down my thoughts. This sketch is a copy from one of daVinci's notebooks on the human anatomy using walnut ink on toned paper with watercolor.

A sketch on location at Jughandle Beach on the Mendicino coast.

Cabin 35 at Blue Lakes. A study on location.

Crow, a male model in drawing class.

1 comment:

  1. Great sketches/drawings. I see you mention going to drawing class - I wouldn't think you needed to go to a class. However, I guess one never does stop learning.
